WooCoupon - Feature

Once installed and activated, four tabs will be added after clicking WooCoupon menu

  • Coupons
  • Bulk Generate
  • Import Coupons
  • Send Store Credit


 All coupons are listed into this Coupons section. Those coupons are located into
WooCouponAll CouponsCoupons

Bulk Generate: 

Bulk Generate means create more coupon in at a time. This option is located into the menu of WooCoupon area,

WooCouponAll CouponsBulk Generate

Import Coupons: 

Importing coupons into your system you can use Import Coupons. This option is located into the menu of WooCoupon area,

WooCouponAll CouponsImport Coupons

Send Store Credit:

To send store credit into the mail use Send Store Credit options. This option  is located into the menu of WooCoupon area,

WooCouponAll CouponsSend Store Create

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