WP Coupon Pro - Favorite Categories Grid

Selecting Page/Post from WP Dashboard

Adding Slider Block you need to go to the WordPress Dashboard first. Then you need to choose Page/Post to add a slider block.

How to add a Favorite Categories Grid block?

1. Click the (+) icon on the page/post to select the CT Favorite Categories Grid.
2. Type the CT Favorite Categories Grid into the Block Search area.
3. Select the CT Favorite Categories Grid from the Blocks.

How to set the Favorite Categories Grid block?

In the following screenshot, the marking area indecates the settings of the CT Favorite Categories Grid block.

How to set the title and description of the Favorite Categories Grid block?

In the following screenshot, the marking area indicates the settings of the CT Favorite Categories Intro block. 

In this setting of the Favorite Categories Grid block, there are few options. Those options are,

Enter the title for this block introduction using the input field named Title.

Title Tag
Choose the tag for the block title using the select field named Title Tag.

Title Alignment
Choose the alignment style for the block title using the select field named Title Alignment.

Title Color
Choose the Title color for the block title using the color picker field named Title Color.

Enter the description for this block introduction using the input field named Description.

Description Alignment
Select the alignment style for the block description using the select field named Description Alignment.

Description Color
Select the alignment style for the block description using the color picker field named Description color.

How to set the settings of the Favorite Categories Grid block?

In the following screenshot, the marking area indicates the settings of the CT Favorite Categories Settings block.

Order by
Select the Order by option from the settings to set the category loop order by area. There are three options. They are Count, Name, and Random. 

Select the Order option from the settings of CT Favorite Categories Settings. Here there are two options. One is DESC and another is ASC.

Number stores to show
Select the Number store to show where you can set the number of the categories.

Number of store items per row
Select the Number of store items per row where you can set the number of the categories to show the per row number. 

Not Found Heading
Enter the text of the error message heading into the field of Not Found Heading.

Not Found Sub-Heading
Enter the text of the subheading message into the field of Not Found Sub-Heading.

Click the publish button to save this block.

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