PopUp Settings

Popup Settings

The WP Coupons and Deals plugin offers various options for customizing the behavior and appearance of coupon pop-ups. These settings allow you to create an engaging and user-friendly experience for your audience. Here are the available popup settings:

Copy Button Text
This is the text that will be displayed on the Copy button when the pop-up is shown. The default is 'Copy.'

After Copy Text
Specify the text that will be displayed after a coupon is successfully copied. The default is 'Copied.'

Text to Show Below Coupon Code
Choose what information to display below the coupon code in the pop-up. The default option is 'Description.'

Custom Text
Customize the text that appears below the coupon code in the pop-up. The default is 'Click on Copy to Copy the Coupon Code.'

Enable 'Go To Offer' Button
Decide whether to show a button that links to the offer or affiliate site. The default setting is 'Go To Offer.'

Custom Text for Button
If you choose to enable the 'Go To Offer' button, you can customize the text that appears on the button instead of the default 'Go to Offer.'
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