AffCoupon - Import Coupons From CSV File
Importing coupons from a CSV file is remarkably straightforward. Follow these steps:
1. Navigate to 'Import Coupons' located under the 'Coupons' Menu.
2. The first step is to choose a CSV file from your computer and then click 'Next.'
3. On the subsequent screen, you'll find a preview of your CSV file. Please note that this is just a preview and may not display all the data.
4. Below the preview, there is a section labeled 'Select Import Fields.' This is where you specify which fields from your CSV file correspond to the fields in your coupon database. For example, you can designate the 'Title' field from your CSV as the 'Coupon Title.' This means that during the import process, the 'Title' from your CSV file will become the coupon title.
5. After you've selected the appropriate fields, click on the 'Import' button.
6. Once you've initiated the import, you will be presented with a loading screen. Please be patient and allow the process to complete. It's important not to refresh or close this page, as doing so may result in an unsuccessful import.
7. Once the import process is finished, you will see a screen displaying details about the number of coupons that were successfully imported. If there are any issues during the import, error messages will be provided for your reference.