General Settings
General Settings
In the WP Coupons and Deals plugin, you have access to a range of general settings that allow you to customize how your coupons and deals are displayed on your website. Below, we'll walk you through each of these settings.
Featured Image
- If there's no featured image selected for a coupon or deal, you can choose whether to use the Category Image or Vendor Image as the featured image.
Archive Menu Categories
- Choose the type of navigation on Category or Vendor for Archive.
Words Count to Add More/Less Link
- If the coupon description exceeds this word count, a More/Less link will be automatically added. The default value is set to 30 words.
Coupon Button Hover Text
- This is the text that will be displayed when a user hovers over the coupon button. The default is "Click To Copy Coupon."
Deal Button Hover Text
- This is the text that will be displayed when a user hovers over the deal button. The default is "Click Here To Get This Deal."
Expire Text
- This text will appear before the expiration date of a coupon or deal. The default is "Expires on:"
Expired Text
- This text will appear before the expired date of a coupon or deal. The default is "Expired on:"
No Expiration Text
- This text will be displayed if a coupon or deal never expires. The default is "Doesn't expire."
Expiration Date Format
- Choose the date format for displaying expiration dates. Options include "mm/dd/yy" and others.
Hide Expired Coupon
- Choose whether to hide coupons when they have expired. The default setting is not to hide them.
Coupon Title Tag
- Choose the HTML heading tag to be used for the Coupon Title. Options include H1, H2, H3, and more.
Show Print Links
- Enable or disable Print Links for Coupons, Deals, and Images.