Couponlite - Setup Home Page

Setup Home Page

By default, WordPress sets the blog page as the main page and this isn’t what most of us want, we need custom pages. To change WordPress default settings you have to follow steps:

Step-1: Add New Page / Update a Page

For Create a new page,  go to Pages > Add New

  • Enter Title
  • Select Page Layout as Default Page Layout.
  • Select Page Header option for Hide or Show Page Header.
  • Select Front Page as Page Template.
  • Click Publish/Update for Save.

Step-2: Select Home Page

  • Go to Settings -> Reading.
  • Frontpage displays: Select A static page and select the page that you want to set as home page.
  • Click the Save Changes button.

Step-3: Setup Home Page Design

Homepage Hero Section

Add CT Hero Section block in Page Content Section

  • Create your page title
  • Click Plus Icon to add a new block to your page content.
  • Enter the name of the block which you want. If you want to show the  CT Hero Area you need to add your text CT Hero Section.
  • Click the CT Hero Section Block.

  1. Enter the title of the CT Hero Section.
  2. Enter the subtitle of the CT Hero Section.
  3. Insert the Mailchimp action into the input area.
  4. If you want to change the placeholder text of the newsletter text you need to add your custom text into this area.
  5. If you want to change the text of the subscribe button you need to add your text here.
  6. If you want to show some text above the newsletter input area you need to add the text here.
  7. If you want to show some text bottom of the newsletter input area you need to add the text into here.
  8. Upload your media if you want to show any images here.
  9. If you want to disable the uploaded image you need to check this field.
  10. And finally, click the update button to save the block options.

Add CT Coupon list block in Page Content Section

  1. Click Plus Icon to add a new block to your page content.
  2. Enter the name of the block which you want. If you want to show the  CT Coupon list you need to add your text CT Coupon list.
  3. Click the CT Coupon list Block.

Homepage Coupon List Block Section

  1. Enter the title of the CT Coupon List.
  2. Insert the amount of the coupon number into Number coupon to show area for your item of coupon loops
  3. Select the loop type for your coupon style in Loop Type.
  4. Select the style of order by Order by area.
  5. Select the order for your coupon loop in the Order area.
  6. If you want to show load more area you need to select the Load More area.
  7. If you want to change the text of load more area you need to insert your text into the Load More Text area.

Output of the CT Coupon List area

Adding CT Category Based Coupon Block

  1. Click Plus Icon to add a new block to your page content.
  2. Enter the name of the block which you want. If you want to show the  CT Coupon Based Category you need to add your text CT Coupon Based Category.
  3. Click the CT Coupon Based Category Block.


  1. Enter the Title of the CT Category Based Coupon.
  2. Insert the amount of the coupon number into Number coupon to show area for your item of coupon loops
  3. Insert the category id of your coupon loop into the Enter the Category ID of your coupons.
  4. Select the loop type for your coupon style in Loop Type.
  5. Select the style of order by Order by area.
  6. Select the order for your coupon loop in the Order area.
  7. If you want to show load more area you need to select the Load More area.
  8. If you want to change the text of load more area you need to insert your text into the Load More Text area.

Output of your category based coupon area

Output of Hello Content in your hompage

To get this section your need to add a default block from your WordPress area.

Step- 1: Click plus icon to get the block.

Step-2: Select the Group block


Step-3:  Select your Group and set your group on Full Width area.

Step-4: Select group and add class “home-content” to your group

Step-5: Select group and add class “home-content” to your group

Setp-6: Add another Group and select Wide width area

Step-7: Add Image block from WordPress block area.

Step-9: Add Headding from your WordPress block area.

Step- 10: Add Paragraph from your WordPress block area for your content.

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