WP Coupon Press - Coupon Submit
You can access this option from-
- Theme Options > Coupon Submit or
- Appearance > Customize > Coupon Submit
Note: If you could not find this option in Theme Options or Theme Customize, please make sure that installed and active the WP Coupon Frontend Submit Addon plugin.
Who Can Submit Coupons
Select who can submit coupons on your site. You can allow Anyone or only registered users.
Add New Store
Allow user to add a new custom store on front-end.
Custom Store Logo
Allow user to upload custom store logo on front-end.
Coupon Status
Assign coupon status when the user submits coupons. You can set Publish if submitted by admin else pending, Pending, or Publish.
Publish if submitted by admin else pending
This option will publish only admin-submitted coupons And pending another user’s submitted coupons for review and published by admin.
Pending all submitted coupons.
Publish all submitted coupons.