WooCoupon - Sending store credit

To send store credit into the mail use Send Store Credit options. 

WooCoupon > All Coupons > Send Store Create

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel > WooCoupon 
  2. Click Bulk Generate then click Send Store Credit.

In Send Store Credit there have few options. They are,

  • Under ‘Send to’, enter email address of the recipient. Enter multiple email addresses separated by a comma to send unique store credits to each recipient.
  • Enter the store credit amount under ‘Worth’ and set the store credit expiry under ‘Expiry Date’.
  • Write a message for your users for the purpose to send store credit (optional).
  • Click on the ‘Preview Email’ button to see how the store credit email will look.
  • Click on ‘Send’ to send the store credit immediately.
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