Voting Settings

Voting Settings

In the WP Coupons and Deals plugin, you have the ability to engage your audience by enabling social share and voting buttons for coupons. These settings enhance user interaction and provide valuable feedback. Here are the available voting settings:

Social Share Buttons
You can choose to enable or disable social share buttons in your coupons. These buttons allow users to share coupons on their social media platforms.

Vote Buttons
Enable or disable voting buttons for coupons. Voting buttons allow users to express their opinions on the quality or popularity of a coupon.

Voting Success Message
This is the message that will be displayed to users when their vote is successfully submitted. The default message is 'You have voted successfully!'

Voting Failed Message
Define the message to be displayed if a user's voting attempt fails. The default message is 'Voting Failed!'

Already Voted Message
Description: Specify the message to be shown if a user has already voted on a particular coupon. The default message is 'You have voted already!'
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