
WooCoupon - Bulk generate coupons

- Go to your WordPress Admin dashboard. Under WooCoupon
- Clicking Bulk Generate or,
- click WooCoupon menu then click on the Bulk Generate tab.
In the Action area,
- Enter how many coupons you want to generate in bulk.
- Choose whether to
- Add generated coupons to store: This will only generate the coupon in the store
- Export coupons to CSV: This will only generate coupons in a CSV file. The coupons will not be added in the store
- Email the generated coupons to the recipients after adding to store: This will generate the coupon in the store & it’ll also send those coupons via email to the respective recipient. If the Usage restrictions > Allowed emails field is empty then coupons will only be generated & it’ll not be sent via email.
- Set other coupon details as required.
- Click on Apply.
Bulk generate coupons with categories

- Go to your WordPress Admin dashboard. Under WooCoupon > All Coupons, click on the Bulk Generate tab.
- You’ll find three ways to generate coupons in bulk: Add to store, Export to CSV & Email to recipients. Select the one as per your requirements.
- Set discount amount, type, expiry, usage limits, usage restrictions and other details for all the coupons that will be generated in bulk.
- To add a category, select the coupon category in the Coupon categories section. You can also directly add new categories by clicking on the Coupon Categories option.
- Click on the Apply button.