WooCoupon - Bulk generate coupons

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin dashboard. Under WooCoupon
  2. Clicking Bulk Generate or,
  3. click WooCoupon menu then click on the Bulk Generate tab.

In the Action area,

  • Enter how many coupons you want to generate in bulk.
  • Choose whether to
    • Add generated coupons to store: This will only generate the coupon in the store
    • Export coupons to CSV: This will only generate coupons in a CSV file. The coupons will not be added in the store
    • Email the generated coupons to the recipients after adding to store: This will generate the coupon in the store & it’ll also send those coupons via email to the respective recipient. If the Usage restrictions > Allowed emails field is empty then coupons will only be generated & it’ll not be sent via email.
  • Set other coupon details as required.
  • Click on Apply.

Bulk generate coupons with categories

  • Go to your WordPress Admin dashboard. Under WooCoupon > All Coupons, click on the Bulk Generate tab.
  • You’ll find three ways to generate coupons in bulk: Add to store, Export to CSV & Email to recipients. Select the one as per your requirements.
  • Set discount amount, type, expiry, usage limits, usage restrictions and other details for all the coupons that will be generated in bulk.
  • To add a category, select the coupon category in the Coupon categories section. You can also directly add new categories by clicking on the Coupon Categories option.
  • Click on the Apply button.
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