Coupon Mart - Single Store

You can access this option from-

  • Theme Options > Single Store or
  • Appearance > Customize >Single Store

Coupon Store Template

In the Coupon Mart theme, the single store page coupons can be displayed in 2 available templates which are :

Show store thumbnails into small device

If you want to show the store image into store single page enable the button On and to remove the store image from the single store page press Off. It is only applicable for the store single page in small device.

Single Store Layout

Here you can select the sidebar position.

  • Left Sidebar – This is the default option. The Sidebar appears to the left of the screen.
  • Right Sidebar – The Sidebar appears to the right of the screen.

Enable or disable store social sharing under store title.

Store Custom Heading

Custom heading text for display on the single store page. Use %store_name% to replace with the current store name.

Number Coupons to Show

Set how many coupons to show on a single store page.

Coupon loop order in single store page

If you want to change the loop order into the single store page you need to select the order options of coupon loops. 

Popular Coupon List Short code:

Use [wpcpl] short code to show the list of the popular coupon list into single coupon store page. It is only allow in this page.


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