AffCoupon - Add a New Coupon
To add a new coupon, follow these steps:
- Click on "Add New Coupon" under the AffCoupon menu.
Fill in the coupon details using the provided options:
- Enter the coupon title in title input box
- Coupon Type: Select the type of coupon (e.g., Coupon, deals, image).
- Coupon Code: Enter the coupon code (if applicable).
- Coupon URL: Add the URL where users can redeem the coupon.
- Discount Amount/Text: Specify the discount amount or text (e.g., 20% off, $10 discount).
- Coupon Description: Provide a brief description of the coupon or deal.
- Coupon/Deal Expiration: Set the expiration date for the coupon or deal.
- Show Expiration Date: Choose whether to display the expiration date on the coupon.
- Hide Coupon: If you want to hide the coupon temporarily without deleting it, check this box.
- Show/Hide Feature Image: Add or remove the featured image for the coupon.
- Theme Color: Select a color for the coupon to match your branding.
- Coupon Template: Choose a template for the coupon display (various templates are available).
- Coupon Category: Select a coupon category or add a new category
- Coupon Vendor: Select a coupon vendor or add a vendor
- Now set a feature image
Finally Click the Publish Button to add a new coupon.