WP Coupon Pro - Coupon List
Selecting Page/Post from WP Dashboard
Adding Slider Block you need to go to the WordPress Dashboard first. Then you need to choose Page/Post to add a slider block.
How to add a Coupon list block?
Adding Coupon List Block you need to go to the WordPress Dashboard first. Then you need to choose Page/Post to add a slider block.
There are several options in the Coupon list slider block. They are,
CT Coupon List Intro, CT Coupon List Settings, CT Coupon Error Message.
How to add the title and description of the Coupon list block?
1. Enter the title of the CT Coupon List.
2. Select the title tag to set the tag for the CT Coupon List title tag.
3. Select the alignment of the title for the CT Coupon List title.
4. Select the title color from the title color picker for CT Coupon List title.
5. Enter the description of the CT Coupon List.
6. Select the description alignment.
7. Select the description color from the Description color picker for CT Coupon List title.
8. Click the Publish button to save the block information.
How to set the CT Coupon List Settings of the Coupon list block?
1. Set the value of the number coupon to show in the coupon block.
2. Set the value for the excerpt length of the coupon list block.
3. Set the value for the excerpt if hiding the thumbnails of the coupon list block.
4. If you want to show the box layout then select the area.
5. If you want to show the paging set the yes or if you want to hide set it no.
6. Check the "Do not show expired coupons" if you do not want to show the expired coupons.
7. Check the "Hide latest coupons tab" if you do not want to hide latest coupons tab.
8. Check the "Show Popular tab" if you want to show the popular coupons tab.
9. Check the "Show ending tab" if you want to show the ending tab.
10. Enter the Load More button text if you want to change the load more button.
How to set the CT Coupon List Settings of the Coupon list block?
1. Enter the text of the error message heading in this area.
2. Enter the text of the error message subheading in this area.
3. Click the publish button.